The Price of Fame: A Justin Combs Love Story (Ep. 1)

Okayy so I'm starting the new story!! :) Oh and I think i'm gonna do a You Got Me Now marathon tonight! Enjoy!! ---- *Nia's POV* We got out the car and were greeted by the paparazzi and the flashes of cameras. Cameraman 1: Over here! Cameraman 2: You guys look right here! Cameraman 3: Why don't you guys share a kiss? Cameraman 1: Yeah kiss! He looked in my eyes and I smiled at him. Then he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me. I leaned into him and his grip on my waist got tighter. The cameras started clicking like crazy then. After a few seconds I pulled away. He grabbed my hand and pulled me into the safety of the restaurant. Nia: *looking at him* Justin how many times do I have to tell you to keep your hands away from my ass? Justin: They weren't near your ass this time. Nia: They were pretty low like they always are. Justin: Well I gotta play the part. I am your boyfriend after all. *smirks* Nia: *disgusted* Whatever let's just eat. Before I get ahead of myself, let me catch you up on things. My name is Nia. I've been in a relationship with Justin Dior Combs for a year and I have hated every minute of it. I know what you're thinking. If I'm not happy, why am I in a relationship with him? Unfortunately it's not that simple. My parents and his parents are making us date. They think it would be "good publicity" for us. I'm an actress and Justin's a first-year rookie for the San Francisco 49ers. Even though Justin doesn't need me to get himself some good press, he doesn't want to be known as P. Diddy's kid. He wants to make a name for himself which I get. Doesn't mean I have to be stuck with him. I've been in 3 movies and guest starred on a shit-load of shows. People know who I am. But the 'rents still think this whole dating thing is a good idea. Don't get me wrong, it wasn't always like this. Justin and I used to be the best of friends. We did everything together from birthday parties to family vacations. I even used to have a crush on him. But around 4th grade he started hanging out with a group of boys and began to act different. He stopped inviting me to things but that isn't why I hate him. After he pushed me off the swings and made me break my arm, I swore I would never forgive him. I've gotten over that but he's still an asshole. Always hitting on girls, hanging with the guys, and being a douchebag. But since all the magazines and tabloids have labeled us "Hollywood's cutest teen couple since 'Zanessa'" our parents have made sure that we're inseprable. In public we hold hands, kiss, all the PDA crap. I guess we must be pretty good at it because no one knows what happens behind closed doors. Oh well, I guess that's the price of fame. *End of POV* ----- It's short cuz I just wanted it to be sorta an intro.. comments!

You Me Now: A Diggy Simmons Love Story (Ep. 20)

*Last time: Nia sleeps over Diggy's house.* *A few weeks later Nia has completely recovered from the accident. She's in her room watching TV one morning when she gets a text from Diggy.* D: Happy Birthday my love. N: Thank you babe. Whatcha up to? D: Nothing. Bout to head over to the studio but be ready cuz I'm taking you out later. N: You're in the studio a lot lately. D: Yea. Finishing up the album. Should be done soon. So how's it feel being 16? N: I don't feel any different. Except none of you can call me puppy anymore cuz I'm the youngest. D: You were still the last to turn 16 so you still are a pup. N: Jerk ;) D: You know you love me. N: Yeah yeah whatever. D: Just be ready at 5:30. N: Fine. D: I love you. N: Love you too. *Nia's POV* Funny how everyone calls me puppy. I don't act young, or atleast I don't think I do. Well anyway, I shower then throw on a pair of sweatpants and a tank top and go downstairs. My mom is in the kitchen making cupcakes. *End of POV* Marcia: Happy birthday sweetie! Nia: Thanks mom. Where's dad and Jacob? Marcia: You're not supposed to know, but they went to go get your gift. Are you hungry? Nia: Starving. Marcia: Well let's go out to breakfast and then we can go shopping. I want to spend time with my daughter on her birthday. Nia: Okay. *They go to Cracker Barrel for breakfast then head to the mall. They get mani/pedis at the nail salon and buy tons of new clothes. When they get back home, Nia's whole family eats the cupcakes her mom made. Then she gets ready to go out with Diggy. She puts on: After she's dressed the doorbell rings.* Diggy: Happy birthday babe. *wraps his arms around his waist and kisses her* Nia: *kisses back and pulls away* Thank you. So where are we going? Diggy: Out. Nia: *rolls eyes* Way to be specific. Diggy: *laughs* You look beautiful. Nia: *blushes* Diggy: Let's go. *Nia's POV* We get in the car and drive to wherever we're going. I don't recognize the street names so I just sit back and enjoy the ride. Diggy tells me about working in the studio on the way. Then he pulls into an empty lot. What the hell is going on? *End of POV* Diggy: Put this on. *hands her a blindfold* Nia: Why? Diggy: Just put it on. Nia: *confused* Okay... *They walk for while then Nia hears the sounds of a door opening. Diggy leads her down a quiet hallway and stops.* Diggy: Okay you can take it off. Nia: *takes it off* Um Diggy? Diggy: Yea? Nia: There's nothing here but a curtain. *Suddenly the curtain falls and reveals a room. They are standing on a stage. All of Nia's family and friends are there.* Everyone: SURPRISE! Nia: A party? Diggy: Yup. Happy birthday Nia. Nia: *hugs him* *Nia's mom, dad, and brother walk up to her.* Marcia: Happy birthday hunnie! John: Our little girl is growing up. Jacob: Yea but she's still a puppy. Nia: *punches him* Shutup. Jacob: *laughs* But seriously, happy cake day little sis. Nia: Thanks you guys. I can't believe you guys threw me a party. Marcia: We didn't, Diggy did. Nia: *turns to Diggy* You did this? Diggy: I can't take all the credit. Your mom and dad did help me out. Nia: Well..thank you babe. Diggy: Anything for you. Nia: *kisses him* *Nia's POV* We all danced, ate, and had a good time. Twist and Legacy kept trying to dance with Cierra and Taelor, but they said that they were spending time with the birthday girl. I finally had to tell them to go have fun with their guys. I hadn't seen Diggy in a while so I went to go find him. I was looking for him near the bathroom when I heard a voice behind me. ??- Happy birthday lil mama. When I turned around, my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe who was standing in front of me. ---- I wonder who it is? Comments! :)

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